Sunday, December 4, 2016

Sesi Rawak:Terowong masa.

May Peace be Upon You. and Hi 😉

Ok, bagaimana mahu mula. Erm. Blog post yang paling akhir November 2014, Ya Allah lama sungguh. 2014 tu zaman tahun akhir degree, sekarang dah masuk zaman kerjaya. 2014, 2015,2016. Dua tahun berlalu macam angin. Banyak yang berubah, atau pun masih sama?

Cuba untuk teliti kembali blog list yang selalu baca dulu-dulu dan yup, masih ada update baru. Wah, konsistennya kalian. Thumbs up! 

Mula menulis dalam blog sejak lepas SPM, 2009. Aktif waktu zaman asasi tahun 2010, tahun tu blog tengah popular, semua nak ada blog, semua nak jadi blogger, eheh. Bila masuk zaman degree 2013 2014 dah mula slow down, komitmen lain dah makin meninggi, alasan. alasan. Masa tu masih dengan penanurani.blogspot, blog lama. Tulisan-tulisan yang ada disitu semua dah didraftkan balik, jadi kenangan sendiri.

Dan sekarang, Disember 2016. Yup, graduated and gainfully employed. Alhamdulillah.


Harini terbuka satu pautan artikel di Facebook ;  
Every Stressed 24-Year-Old: Stop For A Minute And Read This - Diksha D

Yeah, I'm 24 and i'm freaking stressed with my life. Ok kidding, i'm not that stressed. Luls. 

Not beautiful, not wonderful, not hopeful. But tough. Tough because we can't stop thinking about what's coming our way. Tough because we spent the past 2-3 years in denial, in denial that we are growing up. In denial that we want to make it big but don't know how. The confusing moments in our life soon became moments of denial. Those vague ideas about the "real" world are now so in-your-face that you've lost sight of the greatness you once dreamed of.

There is a guitar gathering dust, a deflated basketball, an incomplete MS-Office 2003 doc, broken oil pastels, forgotten dreams, dysfunctional imagination — all of which are in some corner of your over-worked heart, but you couldn't care enough to give them as much attention as you would give to an unpaid bill. You pay tax to have a good time but you won't give real happiness a second chance.

Artikel yang ini, setuju yang sebahagian dah sebahagian lain tak berapa setuju. Erm, tak semua ada sumber kewangan yang kukuh untuk 'follow your own passion' . Tapi kalau diusahakan tak mustahil pun. Dan mungkin alternatif lain yang ini ;

Akan tetapi, pautan yang di atas la yang menjadi penyebab untuk gagahkan diri, bersihkan habuk pada komputer riba, retrieve blogger passpword. Tada.. i'm here.

Stay strong. Love. 😉

Nota kaki : Berterabur sudah gaya bahasa. Dah lama tak menulis. Bahasa melayu dan dirojakkan sana sini. Akan diperbaiki di lain masa. Blogwalking jom.

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